Sculpture on the Beach
Building sandcastles, dams and sculptures on the beach are activities generally connected with children.
Adults long to feel the freedom, joy and sponteneity generated by children on sight of a large expanse of sea and beach, but unless accompanied by a child, they become inhibited and self conscious.
I have found therefore that taking groups on a day trip to the seaside to take part in sculpture on the beach was in a sense giving the adult permission to play, to be at one with nature and to generally get in touch with the child within.
It encourages sponteneity and the freedom to work within the environment using natural resources, the sea, sand, driftwood, seaweed, shells, stones and other objects all contributing to a rich and varied palette.
Not only does it enable the creation of a large scale piece of work but it helps the individual to develop and cope with the idea of impermanance and change, that something which is precious today may not be so tomorrow.
All text and pictures have been reproduced with the consent of the participants